"We welcome gifts of time and treasure, and use them with faithful stewardship to witness Christ's love in our congregation and our community"
Volunteers are needed for scripture reading, candle lighting, ushering, elevator operation, nursery supervision. One may also sponsor service leaflet, or provide memorial flowers.
After services while coffee and fellowship are enjoyed in Upper Wright Hall, the library is open to loan from a good collection of Christian reading, fiction and non fiction, for adults and children. Northminster welcomes you to our extensive and varied library – fiction, non-fiction, spiritual, humourous, practical. There are books for children, young people and adults with wide-ranging interests and concerns. The library is open in Wright Hall before and after church each Sunday. Please come out and have a look, sign out a book and enjoy your reading experience!
The second Sunday of each month is Food Bank Sunday. Please bring canned and dried food and place in the containers in Wright Hall or the Narthex. Dare to Care and Share!
Many people who belong to a congregation want to assist to expand its’ Mission and Ministry. An important way to do this is through Planned Giving. Details of these various options can be obtained from professionals in this field or by contacting the Committee.
Participate in Worship
Northminster Library
If you have any ideas for new books or any other concerns about our library, please don’t hesitate to contact me at 705 743 9864.
Debbie Kervin
LibrarianFood Bank
Contact the office for further information.Legacy Of Faith
There are several reasons why people give a Planned Gift to the church, but the main reason is that they believe their gifts will make a difference. They believe the church has been important in their lives and wish to give something back.
In addition, there are significant Income Tax and estate Planning advantages to an individual who makes a Planned Gift to the church. Information about these advantages is available through Canada Revenue Agency, your tax planning professional or Financial Advisor.
A Planned Gift is a gift that one makes to Northminster from accumulated resources or assets rather than form regular income. Planned Giving therefore does not and should not take away from regular givings which are meant to support ongoing programs and operations.
Planned Giving is meant to ensure the long- term financial security of Northminster. This is to be accomplished through the accumulation of resources to provide support for necessary ministries and programs and capital projects approved by the congregation.
PLANNED GIVING Options fall into two general categories: Deferred and Current. A comprehensive list of each category includes the following:
Northminster Memorial Fund
The Northminster Memorial Fund was formally established in 1994. Its purpose was essentially to provide a means for people to make a memorial gift in recognition of family or friends.
Interest income from the Fund is used to provide Northminster United Church with wished for but not budgeted items, to enhance the service and needs of the church facility. Upon request, some funds can be made available for volunteer helpers and staff to attend workshop and leadership courses held in our area